Posts tagged healthy

Dayton Food Photographer_0028Greek yogurt chocolate mousse is so decadent, so easy, and so yummy. The best part is you get all the flavor and none of the guilt, because this dessert is under 150 calories!

Greek Yogurt Mousse

– Organic Vanilla Greek Yogurt (doesn’t have to be organic)
-Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding Mix
-Cold Water

Yup! That is it. You only need three ingredients!
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I took an individual serving size of the Greek yogurt and stirred in a TBS of the pudding mix. I stirred the mix and it became dense, so I decided to add a few TBS of cold water to thin out my mousse. Add water until you receive your desired consistency.

Feel free to top with chocolate pieces, but know that it adds an extra ~50 calories for 3 pieces of Hershey’s chocolate. I think this mousse would be a great pairing for bananas and strawberries. Yummy and simple. ❤ Dayton Food Photographer_0030


Enjoy this Dayton photography provided by Chelsea Hall Photography

Chelsea Hall is located in Dayton Specializing in portrait photography and works as the following: wedding photographer, senior portrait photographer, newborn photographer, and family photographer. Photography coverage including but not limited to Dayton, Cincinnati and Columbus. If you are in an area not listed I will travel for the right client.

Dayton Photographer_0100Spicy avocado egg cups with sriracha egg whites; jalapeno salsa, Greek yogurt dressing;  and crunchy bell peppers sprinkled on top.
Woah buddy. This dish was so good I scarfed it down in less than 10 minutes.

1 avocado sliced in half
4 TBS of egg whites (give or take)
2 Generous squirts of sriracha
2 TBS of Oikos Greek Yogurt Dip (I chose Jalapeno & Salsa, not shown on website)
2 TBS of chopped bell pepper
Salt & Pepper

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1. Preheat oven to 425
2. Slice your avocado in half and carefully remove the seed.
3. Wisk sriracha and a little bit of pepper in with egg whites. Feel free to add more or less. I like food spicy so I added more.
4. Use a tablespoon to carve out a deeper well in the avocado (eat what you carve out with salt & pepper, don’t ever waste avocado teehee).
5. Pour egg whites in avocado until the well is about 3/4 full.
6. Bake avocado in serving dish or on baking sheet for about 20 – 25 min. Baking time varies, you will need to keep checking to ensure egg whites are cooked to desired consistency.
7. Chop bell pepper while the avocado is baking.
8. Dollop Greek yogurt on top of baked avocado, sprinkle on bell pepper, and salt & pepper to taste!
9. Enjoy! But take your time, because it goes so fast and leaves you wanting more. LOL

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Next times:
-I think next time I will either A. mix in sriracha with the Greek yogurt, or B. use chopped jalapenos instead of bell peppers. What can I say, I like spicy!!
-I started eating straight out of the avocado, but ended up scooping it out and smashing it together on my plate. I recommend the latter I honestly think it tasted better that way.

There are SO many different ways to play with this recipe. I came up with this off the top of my head with the ingredients I had laying around, feel free to switch it up and add different flavors. & When I wasn’t sure how long to bake it, I Googled recipes similar to this and used them as a jumping off point. Don’t be afraid to experiment. ;D

Week 15/52Dayton Photgrapher_0099Dayton Photgrapher_0098Dayton Photgrapher_0096Dayton Photgrapher_009715/52- Oh wow. Last week was something else..

I spent the beginning of the week sick and in bed. The middle of the week catching up on my missed workouts and work. & the end of the week in the hospital with my boyfriend. Last week was one of those fluke weeks.. y’know the ones where everything goes wrong and it all seems like a big practical joke is being played on you. “Hello, is Ashton out there? Am I being Punk’d?” Seriously, my week went just like that.

Picture 1: Brandon spent the weekend in the hospital due to having an irregular heart beat, or commonly know as “Afib.” Poor man, I felt so bad for him. He was hooked up to everything imaginable in the hospital to keep an eye on his heart rate, and he was barely able to move without some sort of beep or buzz waking him from his sleep.

I was happy to spend most of the weekend by his side. We watched movies, held hands, and snuck a few bites of unhealthy heart food every now and then. I took portraits of him sleeping and I actually got some really beautiful photos in the ER, however, I am respectfully fulfilling his requests not to share any of them (hmph).

Pictures 2-4: Brandon was released from the hospital Sunday with a steady heart rate. He was very grateful to be home and with his guitar. ❤
I just love that third picture of him. He seems so at peace.

Sometimes we all have to have bad weeks, it’s life. I’m just happy that we both have our health back in order and that we are starting this new week off on a good note. I’m hoping to get back on my blogging game this week, I was having major withdrawals.

Cheers, folks.


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I’ve been wanting to get my crock-pot out for awhile, so I started Googling some slow cooker recipes with the ingredients I had on hand. I always have plenty of bananas and I just happened to have quinoa, so healthy banana bread quinoa was a perfect fit.Dayton Photgrapher_0087Dayton Photgrapher_0088
Smashing the bananas was my favorite part. : DDayton Photgrapher_0089Dayton Photgrapher_0083

If you’d like the recipe, you can find it here. Now, my version is little bit different, because who likes going straight from the recipe anyway? I didn’t have the creamer (I used extra milk), I only had red quinoa, and I added oats, PB2, and organic maple syrup (for the hell of it). Don’t feel like you have to stick to the recipe, make it your own. : ]

I swear, this is the BEST recipe I have had with quinoa, and I totally plan on making it again.
Let me know how you like it!

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Oh hey February, nice to see you.
I  really don’t have much to say for this past week.
I have been working on my goals fairly consistently and I’m pleased with my progress.

My business Facebook presence is steadily rising, and I’m almost to 600 likes (whooop)! If you haven’t already, like me on Facebook!

I’ve been practicing cooking. I cook Brandon and I a meal about once a week and I prep my lunches daily.
You can read more about that here.

I will be traveling more very soon! Brandon and I leave for Arizona the first week of March. I am in love with Arizona and I can’t wait to go back. You can read more about my last trip to the southwest here.

I have also been sticking to my 52 week portrait project of Brandon. Below you can see my portraits from this week.
Here are all my portraits from the project.

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Brandon called me “paparazzi” yesterday. You can tell in the second to last picture he was over my little portrait session. LOL
I think he is slowly getting used to having a photographer for a girlfriend.

Yesterday we watched the Super Bowl at his grandparent’s house in Yellow Springs. It was great. They bought everyone pizza and we made buffalo chicken and berry, chocolate cheesecake dips (to die for). I love Brandon’s family, they are super amazing people! I can definitely tell where Brandon gets his humor, talent for writing, and kindness. I still have yet to meet his dad’s side, but I bet they are just as wonderful.

Happy Monday everyone!
I hope you have an amazing week. ❤

Much love,


I’m on a quest. A quest to fit in my bridesmaid dress! I must, I must, and I will, I will.
Just in case you have forgotten, or you are just tuning in, my goal is to fit into a size 8 by September. I’m currently a 12, so this shouldn’t be tooo difficult.

But so far it has been.

See, losing weight in the winter is the most difficult for me. I hate working out at gyms, and I hate working out inside. I’m an outdoorsy person. I want to skip, run, and hike on the trails of my favorite MetroParks. I want to take a stroll around my neighborhood with the sunshine beaming on my skin. Oh to feel that warmth again. You better believe the first day of spring my butt will be outside in the muddy slush that winter leaves behind. I’ll be right back to my running goals and training for my first 5k. Until then, I’ll be inside suffering my workout videos (ugh) and maintaining a good diet.

I have been doing 30 Day Shred (boring) and trying to keep my meals clean, keyword, trying. Clean eating can get boring if you don’t find ways to spice up your meals and add a little variety in your diet. Unfortunately, I have been eating pretty much the same meals for all of January and I will be looking to change this in February.

Currently, my breakfasts include what ever flavor of oatmeal or overnight oatmeal I am feeling that day, or a bowl of cereal (Special K or Kashi), and a small fruit smoothie. My smoothies always consist of frozen bananas (instead of ice), skim milk, and whatever fresh or frozen berries I am feeling for the day. On occasion I will throw in some spinach or kale for a greener smoothie. YUM.

Lunches usually include some sort of salad, chicken, and brown rice, with the occasional fruit or veggie added in. My favorite salad includes spinach, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, pecans, and raspberry vinaigrette dressing. I mix the rice and chicken together with a low-calorie condiment. I recently bought and started using a honey mustard, bbq sauce from Walt’s at the 2nd Street Market (pictured above). It is spicy, low-calorie, and sooo good. I highly recommend any sauces or salsas from Walt’s.

Dinners are usually a wild card and the only variety I get. This is because I make whatever I feel like making. Sometimes  I cook tilapia, sometimes chicken and veggies, and sometimes just a bowl of cereal. Anything goes, as long as I’m not bashing on a double cheeseburger, I usually let myself eat what I want.

To battle the boringness of my healthy eating, I have been trying to mix it up a little! For example, today I made a yummy mix of steamed broccoli, steamed green beans, rotisserie chicken, and the Walt’s honey mustard, bbq sauce I was talking about earlier.  It was spicy, satisfying, and filling.  Next time, I may add brown rice, but I also think it was perfectly fine without it.

Here are a few photos (also pictured in my title photo):
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Now, I think another huge part to successfully eating healthier and cleaner is snacking throughout the day. I am big on eating the recommended calories per day that is specified to your body type and your fitness level (you can find this online, with your doctor, or any good fitness app). Currently, I should only consume a little over 1,200 calories to support weight loss. I am only 5’2″, which explains the low amount. With the meals that I eat, my calorie counts comes up short and I end up hungry throughout the day. To ensure a healthy, consistent metabolic rate, I snack on foods such as pretzels, carrots, fruits, veggies, and whole grain cereals to keep me going and from cheating throughout the day. I’m never hungry and always energized.

Finally, If you plan on changing your eating and fitness habits, I suggest doing plenty of research and/or consulting a doctor first. Figure out what is healthy for you and your body and go for it! Don’t worry about messing up, we are all human and slip sometimes. Just get right back up and running to reach your goals!

I’d love to hear your fitness goals and successes! Let’s hold each other accountable!

Much love,