Posts tagged photo journalism

Brandon and I took a day date to House of Thai on Saturday. It was great, of course.
In all seriousness though (yes, I just used that phrase hehe), I am madly in love with House of Thai. I don’t think any other Thai place in Dayton could win over my affection.

We split the Pad Thai and basil chicken, my favorites. : ]

I love the decor, it made for such pretty photos.



No post is complete without a dorky picture of my boyfriend. I love him and all the awesome dates we go on.
I’m the luckiest. ❤

Exciting news! I accomplished a few goals last week and I get to cross them off my list! Yippee!
I’ll have separate posts for each sometime throughout the week, so check back later!

I hope you all have a beautiful week.

Much love,

Week 8/52


8/52- Brandon and I had a day date at House of Thai this past Saturday. I constantly crave their Pad Thai, which is the best I have ever had. If I wasn’t on a strict diet, I would eat there everyday, but for now, I will save House of Thai for my cheat meals. ❤

23 before 24: dayton photographer

Oh hey February, nice to see you.
I  really don’t have much to say for this past week.
I have been working on my goals fairly consistently and I’m pleased with my progress.

My business Facebook presence is steadily rising, and I’m almost to 600 likes (whooop)! If you haven’t already, like me on Facebook!

I’ve been practicing cooking. I cook Brandon and I a meal about once a week and I prep my lunches daily.
You can read more about that here.

I will be traveling more very soon! Brandon and I leave for Arizona the first week of March. I am in love with Arizona and I can’t wait to go back. You can read more about my last trip to the southwest here.

I have also been sticking to my 52 week portrait project of Brandon. Below you can see my portraits from this week.
Here are all my portraits from the project.

23 before 24: dayton photographer




23 before 24: dayton photographer 23 before 24: dayton photographer


Brandon called me “paparazzi” yesterday. You can tell in the second to last picture he was over my little portrait session. LOL
I think he is slowly getting used to having a photographer for a girlfriend.

Yesterday we watched the Super Bowl at his grandparent’s house in Yellow Springs. It was great. They bought everyone pizza and we made buffalo chicken and berry, chocolate cheesecake dips (to die for). I love Brandon’s family, they are super amazing people! I can definitely tell where Brandon gets his humor, talent for writing, and kindness. I still have yet to meet his dad’s side, but I bet they are just as wonderful.

Happy Monday everyone!
I hope you have an amazing week. ❤

Much love,

23 before 24: Warped Wing Brewing Company

I am seriously falling in love with all these brewing companies around Dayton. Aren’t you? Last year was my first year to branch out from the conventional bar scene and go directly to the nearby sources, and I’m smitten.

Friday my coworkers, myself, and Brandon stopped by Warped Wing Brewing Company, a new brewery in Dayton. I can honestly say that this has been my favorite brewery experience I have had yet, and I highly recommend you checking it out.

Here are some photos from our visit:

23 before 24: Warped Wing Brewing Company23 before 24: Warped Wing Brewing Company

I got the 10 Ton oatmeal stout (are you even surprised?) and Brandon got the Ermal’s Belgian style cream ale (sooo yummy). 

23 before 24: Warped Wing Brewing Company23 before 24: Warped Wing Brewing Company23 before 24: Warped Wing Brewing Company

& Jimmy got a photo of me in action. Thanks Jimmy!

23 before 24: Warped Wing Brewing Company

I’m thinking of adding another goal on my list.. I want to visit all the breweries that Dayton has to offer. Which one should I visit next? Let me know!

Much love,


I’m on a quest. A quest to fit in my bridesmaid dress! I must, I must, and I will, I will.
Just in case you have forgotten, or you are just tuning in, my goal is to fit into a size 8 by September. I’m currently a 12, so this shouldn’t be tooo difficult.

But so far it has been.

See, losing weight in the winter is the most difficult for me. I hate working out at gyms, and I hate working out inside. I’m an outdoorsy person. I want to skip, run, and hike on the trails of my favorite MetroParks. I want to take a stroll around my neighborhood with the sunshine beaming on my skin. Oh to feel that warmth again. You better believe the first day of spring my butt will be outside in the muddy slush that winter leaves behind. I’ll be right back to my running goals and training for my first 5k. Until then, I’ll be inside suffering my workout videos (ugh) and maintaining a good diet.

I have been doing 30 Day Shred (boring) and trying to keep my meals clean, keyword, trying. Clean eating can get boring if you don’t find ways to spice up your meals and add a little variety in your diet. Unfortunately, I have been eating pretty much the same meals for all of January and I will be looking to change this in February.

Currently, my breakfasts include what ever flavor of oatmeal or overnight oatmeal I am feeling that day, or a bowl of cereal (Special K or Kashi), and a small fruit smoothie. My smoothies always consist of frozen bananas (instead of ice), skim milk, and whatever fresh or frozen berries I am feeling for the day. On occasion I will throw in some spinach or kale for a greener smoothie. YUM.

Lunches usually include some sort of salad, chicken, and brown rice, with the occasional fruit or veggie added in. My favorite salad includes spinach, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, pecans, and raspberry vinaigrette dressing. I mix the rice and chicken together with a low-calorie condiment. I recently bought and started using a honey mustard, bbq sauce from Walt’s at the 2nd Street Market (pictured above). It is spicy, low-calorie, and sooo good. I highly recommend any sauces or salsas from Walt’s.

Dinners are usually a wild card and the only variety I get. This is because I make whatever I feel like making. Sometimes  I cook tilapia, sometimes chicken and veggies, and sometimes just a bowl of cereal. Anything goes, as long as I’m not bashing on a double cheeseburger, I usually let myself eat what I want.

To battle the boringness of my healthy eating, I have been trying to mix it up a little! For example, today I made a yummy mix of steamed broccoli, steamed green beans, rotisserie chicken, and the Walt’s honey mustard, bbq sauce I was talking about earlier.  It was spicy, satisfying, and filling.  Next time, I may add brown rice, but I also think it was perfectly fine without it.

Here are a few photos (also pictured in my title photo):
2014-01-29_0003 2014-01-29_0002

Now, I think another huge part to successfully eating healthier and cleaner is snacking throughout the day. I am big on eating the recommended calories per day that is specified to your body type and your fitness level (you can find this online, with your doctor, or any good fitness app). Currently, I should only consume a little over 1,200 calories to support weight loss. I am only 5’2″, which explains the low amount. With the meals that I eat, my calorie counts comes up short and I end up hungry throughout the day. To ensure a healthy, consistent metabolic rate, I snack on foods such as pretzels, carrots, fruits, veggies, and whole grain cereals to keep me going and from cheating throughout the day. I’m never hungry and always energized.

Finally, If you plan on changing your eating and fitness habits, I suggest doing plenty of research and/or consulting a doctor first. Figure out what is healthy for you and your body and go for it! Don’t worry about messing up, we are all human and slip sometimes. Just get right back up and running to reach your goals!

I’d love to hear your fitness goals and successes! Let’s hold each other accountable!

Much love,


Week 6

Another week gone and over. I can’t believe it is almost February. It seems the older I get, the faster the days, weeks, and years go. I’m constantly rushing from one activity to the next, and before I know it, the day is over. Honestly, I get anxiety and guilt if I’m not working on something productive. That seems a little unhealthy right? Yeah, I thought so too.

Well, this weekend was a little different. I decided a break was much needed and that a weekend of no productivity, was in fact helping me be productive. This weekend Brandon and I spent our time on the couch gorging ourselves on a new TV series, Orange Is the New Black. We watched the whole first season this weekend, the WHOLE season. It was addicting and refreshing, and now I’m ready for another fruitful week.


Above: 6/52 of my portrait project
Waking up to him makes my morning. ❤
This also totally reminds me of Firecracker Popsicle.

Below: Sleeping in feels soo good.

A few goals I’m currently working on:

8.  Fit into a dress size 8 by my sister’s wedding
I’m still working out and eating healthy (see pictures below)! My work clothes are getting looser by the day!

10. Volunteer more of my time to good causes
I have volunteered to be the photographer for a No H8 photo shoot, sponsored by WSU’s Rainbow Alliance. This will be my 3rd time donating  my services to the cause. I love spreading the message and I love helping out. : ]

17. Learn how to do my own business accounting
I did my own business taxes for 2013 without any help, I’m really proud of this. I’m hoping to carry on book keeping for this year and be able to do my own taxes again next year. I’m slowly, but surely becoming a successful small business owner. KAPOW!



I love making yummy, healthy snacks to munch on during the week. One of my favorites is roasted zucchini. I bought pre-sliced zucchini from Meijer (it was only $1.00, awesome sauce) and I tossed them in evoo (extra virgin olive oil) and dusted on salt, pepper, and chili powder. I put them in the oven for about 25 min at 400 degrees. I usually eye them while cooking and make sure they get a little crispy on the edges (or else they are just mushy) and if I’m hungry enough, I’ll just eat them straight off the baking sheet. Yes, they are that good. ; D


Despite my healthy eating, I make sure to mix it up and get a cheat meal every now and then. Today we got Chinese food delivered, and I was in heaven.

I hope you all are staying driven, healthy, and warm! The Midwest sure is coooold at the moment.

Much love,


I follow a few blogs that do a weekly portrait challenge. Bleubird is my favorite, her project was to take a portrait of her children, “once a week, every week, in 2013.” Her challenge gave me the inspiration to do my own. My current goal is to take a picture of my boyfriend Brandon (and/or both of us), at least once a week, every week, starting the week of my birthday (Dec 18, 2013). So far, I have managed to do just that!

Week 1


My grizzly bear. ❤ This was the week of my birthday. Brandon and I took a road trip to San Diego. It was insanely beautiful. You can read it about it here.

Week 2


My family, Brandon, and I took a visit to my grandpa’s nursing home for a little Christmas party. I happened to have my tripod so we snapped a pic together before our family photo.
The background isn’t the best, but hey, I’m just excited to have “our first Christmas” photo.

Week 3


Brandon and I celebrated New Year’s Eve in Yellow Springs. Yellow Springs is such a cute, close-knit community. They do a ball dropping every year in front of the Little Art Theatre, last year it was snowing and it was magical. I love the immense sea of people in the square cheering, popping bottles of champagne, hugging, and kissing. It really is a beautiful site.

Week 4


Brandon is helping me with this goal, to visit each park/attraction that Five Rivers MetroParks have to offer. What a perfect, convenient way to incorporate my portrait goal as well!  Above, Brandon looks out on a frozen lake at Carriage Hill MetroPark.

Week 5


So far, this photo might be my favorite. Brandon and I do weekly date nights to wherever we please. This night Brandon and I took a visit to the Dayton Art Institute, Omega Music, and then Pies & Pints for awesome craft pizza and beer. I think our date nights might just be my favorite night of each week. We always mix it up and make it fun. I’m a very lucky gal, if I do say so myself.

In the future, I’m going to try to make this project more of a weekly feature instead of posting a full month at once.

Much love,


After my trip to the 2nd Street Market, I took a walk around downtown to visit some places I’ve always wanted to, but never have. I’m usually always on the go when I’m downtown, and I never give myself enough time to aimlessly roam the city. Maybe I’ll make this a goal for next year. Welp, in the meantime, I hope you enjoy some photos of my little venture.



In the main building I visited, I wanted nothing more than to climb the stairs and head to other floors, but my fear got the best of me. I think I shall return with a buddy next time to back me up in the case of a fall or other threat. In one of the later photos, you can see I came across an area of belongings, blankets, and pillows. I felt it was time to leave at this point. I almost felt as if I was intruding on someone’s home and wanted to give the place back it’s privacy.

Despite my nervousness to push forward by myself, I’m not opposed to visiting other abandoned buildings around Dayton.
Do you know of any? Are you willing to share that information or come on an adventure with me? Let me know in the comments!

Much love,


Number 7 on my list: Visit each Five Rivers MetroPark at least once.

Parks I have visited:
2nd St. Market
Aullwood Garden 
Carriage Hill 
Cox Arboretum
Deeds Point
Hills & Dales
Possum Creek
Twin Creek
Wegerzyn Gardens

Saturday, I took myself out on a date to the 2nd Street Market. I went for a couple of reasons; I have never been and I have always wanted to go, and it is part of my goal to visit each Five Rivers MetroPark park/attraction at least once. You can read more about my ventures to other MetroParks here and above you can see a list of the other MetroParks I have visited. Anyway, it was great! I got to know some of the different vendors and try out their products, and I even purchased a few things for myself and gifts for others. I had a wonderful experience and I definitely plan on going back very soon. Below are some photos from my venture. Enjoy. ❤









Afterwards, I took a small walk around the neighborhood and roamed into some abandoned buildings. Check back tomorrow for a post with some pictures of my journey, but first, check out a sneak peek below.


Where have you ventured lately? What goals are you working on? Let me know in the comments below!

Much love,

+ high-res version

Number 2 on my list: Travel out west and document it.


Check, check, and check. This is my first goal to cross off the list!
My boyfriend Brandon and I took a road trip to San Diego in December to celebrate my birthday and Christmas. All I wanted for my birthday was to stick my feet in the Pacific and we made it happen!

The drive was clearly a little long for only a six day trip, but we had a blast jammin’ to tunes, stopping at creepy rest stops, and getting way too excited to eat at places like Jack in the Box.

Above you can see the map of our trip and below you can see some pictures we took along the way. ❤


What goals have you been working on? Comment below!

With love,